Friday, December 1, 2006

Thanksgiving on the Net - Welcome

'Thanksgiving' also is in the Google Zeitgeist on thees week.
Look at this word in the Wicky:

Thanksgiving, or Thanksgiving Day, is an annual one-day holiday to give thanks, traditionally to God, for the things one has at the close of the harvest season. In the United States, Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November, and in Canada it is celebrated on the second Monday in October. In the United Kingdom, Thanksgiving is another name for the Harvest festival, held in churches across the country on a relevant Sunday to mark the end of the local harvest, though it is not thought of as a major event (compared to Christmas or Easter) as it is in North America, where this tradition taken by early settlers became much more important. Other European countries, such as Germany, also have harvest-thanks (Erntedank) celebrations which are perceived to be rather minor and mostly rural holidays.

Second line in the Google result is A Celebration of America's First Thanksgiving.
And on the 3-th line: thanksgiving on the

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